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1947年 台灣羽毛股份有限公司創業。 1983年 台灣羽毛製品專賣店開市。 1985年 董事長 黃榮圖先生榮膺中華民國七十四年度優 良商人獎。 1988年 台灣羽毛股份有限公司出進口實績名列第271名。 1988年 琦鈺企業股份有限公司成立,拓展 "台灣羽毛製品專賣店直營門市" 業務。 1989年 台灣羽毛股份有限公司出進口業績優良,國際貿易局 特頒二等獎。 1998年 繼德安生活百貨、新光三越百貨專櫃的設立,陸續尋求各大百貨公司合作設櫃,擴大銷售通路的開發。 長久以來,羽絨衣便一直受到喜好旅行、露營、登山等在戶外活動的人所歡迎。 最近一些服裝設計師,也開始將羽絨(DOWN)填充應用在流行服飾上, 讓羽絨衣以更多樣化的風貌呈現在消費者面前,更貼近我們的日常穿著, 改變了消費者認為羽絨衣只有在出國賞雪、登山、旅遊才能穿用的刻板印象。所以在濕冷的冬季, 你很有可能發現:在逛街、看電影、購物,甚至在辦公室內,穿著羽絨衣的人, 竟然和徒步在荒野小徑作戶外活動而穿用的人們一樣普遍。 "台灣羽毛製品專賣店"經過六十年的努力,不斷引進精良的製造技術和流行設計, 採用最有價值,最輕柔的白鵝絨 (WHITE GOOSE DOWN)作為衣物填充材料, 帶給顧客最溫馨的暖意。 "台灣羽毛製品專賣店"可以肯定地告知大家: 「凡使用"FOMO DOWN LIGHT-WEAR台灣羽毛製品"的消費者,都知道它是最好的。」
福鹿內衣自西元1970年創業以來,即秉持著『勤儉立業』的創業精神,三十多年來穩定成長,由內衣、內褲等衣著類的製造販賣、之後又跨足孕婦裝及童裝等區塊,創業之初以外銷中東、香港等地區市場主要發展區域,近年逐漸轉型內著類的OEM專業廠。 邁進21世紀之際,福鹿公司將持續精進,秉持永續經營的理念,在誠信務實的基石上我們更以專業、服務、創新的理念軌道及節能環保產業的領域,為顧客提供專業的優質服務,展開多角化的經營,為持續的永續經營而共同努力。 Fulu Underwear Business was founded in 1970 as a down-to-earth enterprise. It has since been growing steadily from manufacturing lingerie and underwear to maternity and children clothing. Fulu started its business by exporting to Middle East, Hong Kong and other major countries. In recent years, Fulu has transformed itself to an underwear OEM expertise factory. As we enter the 21st century, Fulu will maintain its mission of continuous innovation and sustainable development. We are committed to providing our clients with high quality and professional service, and at the same time protect our environment. Fulu will continue to expand and diversify its business, and dedicating itself to a sustainable corporate concept of joint prosperity.
INNOCOMM, based in Taiwan, is currently a private-held system integrator solution provider that develops integrated solutions from the top down to realize business, technical and operational objectives. In today’s competitive marketplace, INNOCOMM provides the open standard technology, professional service, and next generation messaging solutions to meet 2.5G 3G service provider in leveraging its new service platform and VAS applications by utilizing innovative IT technology and integrated network design. The spirit of INNOCOMM is to assist service providers to maximize business value by partnering an array of key vendors to supply business and technological solutions that are migrating from the traditional telephony model to offer flexible programmable mobile data service offerings at competitive prices. Our competitive strengths are: A. Ability to offer a range of telecommunications products and services that enable mobile data services to be added to existing business infrastructure; B. Ownership of a range of innovative, revenue-driven application products, and VAS solutions; C. Proven track record and established customer base which continues to provide new business locally regionally; D. Size, which means it is fast and flexible in responding to meet customers’ needs; E. Considerable international experience with a solid understanding of regional and local needs
本公司從事二手車輛買賣業..正派經營.穩定成長.歡迎有志人士一起加入賺錢的行業.本公司福利好.待遇位於桃園縣東勇街258號.電話:03-3713838 佳
三葛公司成立迄今20年,擁有ISO 9001:2000認證: 我司之客戶包含B&W、JBL、TANNOY等國內外知名大廠, 三葛公司本持著專業製造生產與R&D能力, 擅長與客戶共同進行新產品開發、並進行金屬/塑膠複合零件之產品生產, 利用卓越的生產製造知識協助客戶cost down,達成雙贏。
本公司為服務電鍍業的客戶,以達到節省成本、環保減廢之目的,利用最新科技研發之電鍍液回收設備,採用最新的設計理念 - 線上純化,除去污染之雜質後,仍保有原來電鍍槽液的主成份,使電鍍槽液能無限次數再利用,不再需花大錢因電鍍槽液污染,而以DOWN槽或添加藥劑處理,達成100%減廢之目標。
誠徵業務 保障底薪 向高薪挑戰 誠徵業務 保障底薪 向高薪挑戰 誠徵業務 保障底薪 向高薪挑戰 誠徵業務 保障底薪 向高薪挑戰
富威通訊成立於2005年 ,本公司主要從事衛星通信器材之研發設計、生產及買賣等業務。公司主要由微波產品為基礎,並逐漸擴展領域至無線通訊市場上最具利基之產品。 本公司研發團隊之微波技術超過十年以上,且非常重視微波通訊產品之研發設計與生產能力的培養,目前公司規模雖小,但發展潛力極大,歡迎對衛星以及無線通訊產品有經驗與興趣者,加入本公司,共創美好的未來。 Radio Frequency specialized company, develop and design low noise down converter export worldwide countries.
Im AwayShang Yi Motor Co., Ltd. was established in 1981, producing distribution motors and winding as major products and started integrated motor products in 1983. We are engaged in the development and design to produce versatile motors in order to satisfy customers needs. With newly built plant and advanced equipment of development, our main products are appliances, air conditioners, freezers, aquarium and deep pumps, and medical instruments. We also deal with healthy instruments, small- sized machinery and small-size slow down motors. With the concept of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, all of our products meet worldwide standards and win a great reputation in the field. We market our products with the service concept of esteem for customers in Taiwan area, as well as throughout the world. The strategy of our company is to provide customers with good quality products & reliable service. The specification, size & capacity can be followed & manufactured according to customers demand in order to reduce the burden of cost and the inconvenience during the manufacturing at customers site. Our goal is to achieve the corporation at ODM and OEM basis to provide the components required for the manufacture. Meanwhile, we hope to have the authority & assistance from various overseas motor suppliers for motor manufacture.
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